Підпишіться на нашу розсилку, щоб отримати знижку 20%.
Ми надішлемо вам електронною поштою ваучер на знижку 20% на перше замовлення, сума якого повинна бути понад 50 $ США. Підписуючись, ви погоджуєтеся з нашими положеннями та умовами.
Bloggers wanted
Aug 07, 2017
We really enjoy to work with bloggers. Every week we get nice reviews of our products from all over the world. Since we really like it, we are still looking for more people who are interested in doing product reviews for us. Especially we are looking for bloggers from Germany, America, Australia and Asia! If you have a blog or a big community on other social media channels feel free to contact us with all your informations: pr@gvibe.com