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Ми надішлемо вам електронною поштою ваучер на знижку 20% на перше замовлення, сума якого повинна бути понад 50 $ США. Підписуючись, ви погоджуєтеся з нашими положеннями та умовами.

Scala Fair and our brand ambassador is on tour

Scala is over and we met lots of you at our booth. we enjoyed a good time!
For those of you who didnt know, our brand ambassador Marco is on tour again! This time he is available for visits around the Netherlands, Belgium and the north west of France! The tour is until the 14th of September! If you want to meet him, to have your own personal store training, contact him here: MT@gvibe.com
He is excited to meet you!
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